Oct 27 - Nov 26 2022 PALINDROME Galerie Leonahard, Graz Austria

My one man show in this renowned gallery for Non Objective Art in Austria

July 8 -September 9 2022 WALK in and Wonder-Konkrete Kunst in der WALKMÜHLE Wiesbaden

This show I curated with 30 artists from 10 countries showing 60 exponates for the famous art project "Künstlerverein Walkmühle" in Wiesbaden, Germany

 WALK in and Wonder-Konkrete Kunst in der WALKMÜHLE
December 3, 2021,- February 27, ´22 Kunsthalle Messmer André Evard Art Prize, show of the nominated

Kunsthalle Messmer sets an open inernational call each second year for the André Evard Art Prize. I was honoured to take part in the sow of the nominated artists.

2021," SATURN XIV" , Relief 74 x 74 x 7 cm, Acrylic, Aluminium, formed
June 30 - August 14, 2022 Kunsttage 30 Dreieich

Kunsttage 30 Dreieich, I had the opportunity to show my sculpure "HEMINGWAYS SUITCASE" which was awarded with the "Otto Schaffner Art Prize in 2019"

"HEMINGWAYS SUITCASE" at Kunsttage 30 Dreieich
October 27 - November 26, .2022 „PALINDROME“, Galerie Leonhard, Graz, Austria

In this renowned Gallery working since 30 years on Geometric - and Op Art
I had my first on man show

„PALINDROME“, Galerie Leonhard, Graz, Austria
January 29, 2023 – March 26, 2023, "Flux4Art" , Stadtgalerie Mennonitenkirche, Neuwied

In this art show of the state Rheinland-Pfalz seledted artist show their work

"Flux4Art" ,  Stadtgalerie Mennonitenkirche, Neuwied
April 29 - May 23, 2023, „konkret-sinnlich“ Galerie Schmalfuß, Berlin

Six artists of the shwo „WALK in and Wonder, Konkrete Kunst in der WALKMÜHLE“
in Wiesbaden have got to be presented in the famoust Gallery Schmalfuß, Berlin. I am happy about this

April 29 - October 28,2023, Skulpturengarten Galerie Jedlitschka Zürich, Schweiz

Twice a Year the Gallery Jedlitschka changes the sculptures in its presentation garden.I am happy to partivipate in it with my work

Skulpturengarten Galerie Jedlitschka Zürich, Schweiz
November 11, 2021 - Febrary 10, 2022 "JUXTAPOSITION", Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt/ Main

November 11, 2021 - Febrary 10, 202 "JUXTAPOSITION" Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt/

November 11, 2021 - Febrar "JUXTAPOSITION", Oberfinanzdirektion Frankfurt/ Main,
December 12, 2020 - January 24, 2021, "Das kleine Format", Kunstraum Stoffen, Germany

Artist run paces have mostly well choosen exponates of visual quality. Kunstraum Stoffen is keeping this standart also in this group-show with 17 colleges.

March 20, 2021- April 30. 2021, "IN BETWEEN II", Galerie Kautsch, Michelstadt, Gemany

In this groupshow 13 artists of the gallery show new works

"IN BETWEEN II", Galerie Kautsch, Michelstadt, Gemany
April 10, 2021 - March 8, 2021, "COLLAGE, RELIEF, SCULPTUR", Kunstraum Villa Friede, Bonn, Germany

The formidable Kunstraum Villa Friede Bonn shows actual works of mine together with Dominique Chapuis und Götz Sambale

"COLLAGE, RELIEF, SCULPTUR", Kunstraum Villa Friede, Bonn,
May 23, 2021 - June 20, 2021 "WANDOBJEKTE, RELIEFS, MALEREI, Verein für aktuelle Kunst Ruhrgebiet/Oberhausen

In its 40th year of work this association is one of the most traditional places for Non Objecitive Art in Germany. It was a pleasure for me to show my work in the spacious place together with Wahida Azhari and Detlev Funder

Verein für aktuelle Kunst Ruhrgebiet/Oberhausen
July 10, 2021 - August 8, 2021, "MULTILAYER-VISION 20/21", Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus, Schloss Plüschow

The unique place in a historic Castle at the German Ostsee near Schwerin provides a wonderful interior for artist studios and big exhibitions. 51 artists were gathered with works based on multilayer-technics. I used the occasion to travel this special site of the country! I thank Guido Ringe and Juliane Rogge for their work!

October 13, 2021 - November 07, 2021, "Edgar Diehl, PALINDROME". Üblacker-Häusl, München, D

No place in the county has shown so many Non Objective Art as the Üblacker-Häusl: 429 !
I am exited and it is a honour being choosen for this one man show.

 "Edgar Diehl, PALINDROME". Üblacker-Häusl, München,
June 19, 2020, reopening, "PALINDROME + BLUE", Pntimanti Gallery. Philadelphia, USA

After the lookdown closed my show "PALINDROME" in March, there was the reopening together with "BLUE" for private viewings for small groups of 1-5 guests, under the precautions as adviced by the CDC to ensure the health and safety.

reopening of "PALINDROME" and "BLUE"
June 12, 2020, "KUNST IM PARK" Mörfelden Germany

The community of Mörfelden ( near Frankfurt/Main airport) calls for Otto-Schaffner-Reward each year since 2001. Under circumstances this year there was a show of former Prize- winners. I won last year. I was honoured by getting my contribution "STELE BUSTIER"on the exhibition-poster.

Edgar Diehl, STELE BUSTIER, Kunst im Park- exhibition, Mörfelden, Germany
Septmeber 19, 2020, "1qm konkret", Kunstraum Stoffen

The private art-hall is concentrated on Non Objective Art near Landsberg, Germany. The strict selection which is common for the place , has created a good reputation and attraction for the enterprise. I am honoured to show together with excellent colleges.

Edgar Diehl, "1qm konkret", Kunstraum Stoffen, Germany
October 11, 2020, - April 10, 2021. "MULTILAYER", Raum Schroth, William Morgner Museum, Soest, Germany

Raum Schroth is putting up Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst at William Morgner Museum. The collector Klaus Schroth is active in this regard since many years. The collection conduct regular shows in this field.

Edgar Diehl, "MULTILAYER", Raum Schroth, William Morgner Museum, Soest, Germany
December 12, 2020- Feb. 14.2021, "30 JAHRE AKTUELLE KUNST", Galerie Hühsam, Offenbach, Germany

I love this galley. The 30 year experiences causes a fair and effective conduct of busyness and relations. I am honored to be artist of the gallery.

Edgar Diehl, "30 JAHRE AKTUELLE KUNST", Galerie Hühsam, Offenbach, Germany
March 14, 2020, 5-7 pm, "PALINDROME", Pentimenti Gallery, Philladelphia, USA

I am happy to have my next one man presentation at Pentimenti Gallery. You will find new works, also from 2020, mostly reliefs with optical irritations like reverse perspectiv, moving focus etc. I will be present for the opening.

Edgar Diehl in his  one-man-show at Pentimenti gallery, Philadelphia, USA
February 15. 2020, "ganzKONKRET", QuadrART Dornbirn, Dornbirn, Austria

The arthall QuadrART Dornbirn is a privatly run institution with a high quality program of visual arts concentrated on Abstract-, Minimal- and Concrete Art.
Professor Guderian, Feiburg, the famost author of "Art and Mathematics", has put together this interesting show of international visual arists who work Non Objective!

Edgar Diehl in a group-show at the arthall QuadrART Dornbirn, Austria
October 6, 2019, DOTS, POINTS, CIRCLES, Claudia Weil Galerie, Augsburg,

A refreshing collection from 20 international Non Objective interpret the topic

Sunday, October 6, 2019, DOTS, POINTS, CIRCLES, Claudia Weil Galerie, Augsburg,
November 12, 2019 "schwarz & weiss", Kunsthaus Fürstenfeldbruck

An impressive collection of international Non Objective Art in an Barock sourrounding of this huge former monastery. Till December15

October 12, 2019, "Top of theOP", Kunstraum Stoffen, Bavarya

A new view on contemporary Op Art with with works from 17 international artists!

A new view on contemporary Op Art with with works from 17 international artists!
September 1. 2019, "Otto-Schaffner-Preis" decoration, Mörfelden-Walldorf

The city Mörfelden- Walldorf, near Frankfurt/M airport, has a long tradition to organize competitions in out-door art. This year I am happy being decorated with their "Otto-Schaffner-Preis"!

"Otto-Schaffner-Preis", Mörfelden- Walldorf
June 9, 2019, "Schwarz-Weiß-Rot", Kunstfest Pfingsten, Kunstraum Roy Kunnersorf beo Görlitz

Kunstraum Roy in Kunnersorf near Görlitz is a gallery comprehending the most important artists of Europe who work Non Objevtive. Daniel Roy runs it in a historic venue in the village near Görlitz, Middle-Germany. He invites four times a year a group of artista for a festival. Unique!

Edgar Diehl, Kunstraum Roy, Concrete Art, Non Objective Art, Minimal Art
June 2, 2019, "Kunst-Spiele-Kunst", Kunststation Kleinsassen, till August 25

Kunststation Kleinsassen is one of the places typical for german cultural landscape. A place in a mountain reagion, one hour cardrive from the next city, but equipped with staff and infrastructure of a museum like in a big city. Kunst-Spiele-Kunst is about interactive art, cinetic, optical illusion etc. A big show on 1200 squaremeter inside and 10.000 sqaremeter outside. I love the place and the show!

"Kunst-Spiele-Kunst", Kunststation Kleinsassen
October 28. 2019, "New Optics III", Museum Modern Art Hünfeld, till Jan 27, 2019

"New Optics III" found his third station in a traditional museum for Non Objective Art. Museum Modern Art Hühnfeld. I curated this show in 2017 to bring new tendencies of perceptional art to public. The intercontiental choise of artists is due to the level of approach to the topic.

"New Optics III" , Museum Modern Art Hühnfeld.
October 19. 2019, opening of "Out of Shape", exhibition at Kunsthalle Wiesbaden, Germany, till December 16

Thomas Keller, Basel, (CH) has curated this cross-media presentation which explores dissolution and recomposition of space with elements from Non Objective Art, audio-visual space art, painting, relief, and time based projection! The wonderful venue of Kunsthalle Wiesbaden is a perfect place for this show!

Edgar Diehl (D)
Andreas Frick (CH)
Jean-Claude Houlmann (CH/D)
Patrick Steffen (CH)
Felix Baudenbacher (CH/GB)
Ted Davis (USA/CH)
Dirk Koy (CH)

"Out of Shape", exhibition at Kunsthalle Wiesbaden,
June 21, 2019, "EDGAR DIEHL & FRIENDS", Galerie Mariette Haas, Ingolstadt, Germany, till July 28

The gallery asked me to create an exhibition, showing my work in a small circle of friends:
ROLAND HELMER, Fürstenfeldbruck,D
IVO RINGE, Colgne, D

All five of us make "Non Objective Art", taking perception as the center of our work. In the last millenium it was called "OP-Art". Younger artist have developed this approach further!

 "EDGAR DIEHL & FRIENDS", Galerie Mareitte Haas, Ingolstadt, Germany,
December 10, 2018, "NEW OPTICS 2", Claudia Weiil Galerie Augsburg, Germany

This show was curated by myself and it went from Galerie Thomas Hühsam Offenbach to Claudia Weil Galerie, Augsburg, both in Germany. Op Art had its upcoming in the 60s of last century. In the meanwhile some interesting artists continued the exploration of visual perception and created new artwork. Not much of the new approaches has been shown since then. "New Optics" includes works by seven artists from three continents. Tiil march 24.

 "NEW OPTICS ", Claudia Weiil Galerie , Edgar Diehl. Perceptual  Art, Op Art
December 2. 2018, "PAINTING BLACK", Sammlung Schroth, Morgner Museum, Soest Germany

This unique show, curated by Ivo Ringe assembled 44 international artists engaged in the exploration of BLACK as a painted color. Even overseas artists attended the well visited opening. Till march 4.

Edgar Diehl, 19/2015, "JUPITER LIV",70x70cm,Acylic on Aluminum
June 30, 2017, "DIE DRITTE DIMENSION"-Skulpturen, Projekte, Perspektiven, Galerie Floss& Schulz, Köln, till August 24.

The Gallery shows works of third dimension from 15 artists

Galerie Floss& Schulz, Köln
August 12, 2017, "OBJECT.PLASTIK, SKULPTUR, Galerie Kautsch, Michelstadt, Germany, till September 23

The show includes new works by 10 selected artist who work three-dimensional

Galerie Kautsch, Michelstadt, Germany
August 27. 2017, "AN DEN ORTEN DAZWISCHEN", Kunsthaus Taunusstein, Germany till May 1. 2018

Kunsthaus Taunusstein is a new privat museum on 600 m2. The unique building is in a village, 20 km from Wiesbaden, capital of the state Hessen. The owners show 1 - 2 exhibitions a year, rotating their collection. The enterprice got good attention and acknowledgement in the Rhein-Main area. I am proud beeing part of the collection!

Kunsthaus Taunusstein privat museum, Edgar Diehl
September 16 - October 21, 2017, 25th Anniversary exhibition at Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia

To conduct a gallery based on Non Objective Art is already something. Doing it for 25 years sucessfully, merits acknowledgement and respect. I am happy to work together with Christine Pfister and her stuff, and to be part of the 25th anniversary show this autumn.

THE ENDURING REASON WHY", Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia, Edgar Diehl
September 16. 2017, "RNPG-Germay", e9a, projectspace for abstract & minimal art, Freiburg, Germany , till Oktober 15.

The Projectspace for Abstract & Minimal Art in Freiburg is an artist initiative, as well as the intercontinental show from Reductive-Non-Objective Privat Gallery (RNPG), based in Sydney, Australia, foundet by Billy Gruner SNO. There is a special choise of works and artists which promises an exciting project for the future as well.

"RNPG", e9a, projectspace for abstract  & minimal art, Freiburg, Edgar Diehl
September 30, 2017, "NEUE KONKRETE KUNST AUS DEUTSCHLAND", Galleria IX byArt, Budapest, till Oktober 22

Galleria IX byArt, Budapest Hungary, is a municipal project which shows only Non Objective Art since more than 20 years. Therefore it has a great name. The "International Assiciation for New Concrete Art", has its first member exhibiton there.

NEUE KONKRETE KUNST,Galleria IX byArt, Budapest, Edgar Diehl
June 2, 2017, "REMEMBER WHEN IT WASN´T...HOW I REMEMBERED IT !" summer group exhibition at PENTIMENTI GALLERY ,Philadelphia, USA, till July 15

"REMEMBER WHEN IT WASN´T QUITE HOW I REMEMBERED IT !" Is a special form for this summer group exhibition at PENTIMENTI GALLERY, Philadelphia.

summer group exhibition at PENTIMENTI GALLERY, Philadelphia.
Feb. 22. 2017, "KLEINFORMAT", Galerie Mariette Haas, Ingolstadt, - till April 29.

Small works is a special issue in the visual arts. A good occation to comprehend some of the artists of the gallery and guests.

"KLEINFORMAT", Galerie Mariette Haas, Ingolstadt,
March 31. 2017, "OPPLER", Transmitter Gallery, New York, - till May 7.

The international show of Non Objective Art, "Doppler" became legendary. It stared in 2012 curated by Sarah Klein as "Doppler-Stop", then it travelled through the US and Europe. "Doppler" took Place in NY, and "Doppler-Shift" at Visual Art Center, New Jersey in 2014. March 31, 2017 it reappeared with new works from 21 international artists as "OPPLER" at Transmitter Gallery, Brooklin New York.
"OPPLER" includes works that tangentially relate to Op Art, Minimalism, Kinetic Art, Concrete Art and Color Field Painting, though none of these historic movements is fully representative of the work shown. The subject of the work is the work itself; what you see is what it is.

"OPPLER", Transmitter Gallery, New York, Edgar Diehl
May 18. 2017, "100 Years DE STIJL" in Leiden NL, Archimea Building, till August 6

The Nederlands celebrates 100 years of "De STijl". This group of artists who caused a whole movement and the biggest revolution in art history, was foundet 1907 in Leiden. The whole country celebrates with shows on the topic. Leiden will have the best! I am comprehendet in in the show "BEELDEN IN LEIDEN" which is on sculptures and reliefs at the Archimea Building, Leiden.

BEELDEN IN LEIDEN, 100 years De STijl, Archimea Building, Edgar Diehl, relief
May 20, 2017, "NEW OPTICS", Galerie Hühsam, Offenbach, Germany, till July 21

It is time to start something "new". Op Art started two generations ago. To focus on the gaps in the neurologic perceptual systems of the brain bases mostly on discoveries made by scientists in the 19. century. This treasure is not lifted yet."NEW OPTICS" at Galerie Thomas Hühsam, Offenbach, D. shows a selection of new approaches and research by six international artists!

"NEW OPTICS",  Galerie Hühsam, Offenbach, Germany
Okt. 20. 2016, "und seitdem ist mir schwindelig" Edgar Diehl, solo show at Bunsen/Götz Gallery Nürnberg, till Dec.20.

The titel of this show has some self irony refering to the visual irritation which can happen while looking on my art superficially. I am happy that the gallery followed my whish for this uncommon invitation. For my taste there is a lack of humor in Non Objective Art of old style. Humor needs image, sketch and illustration. So it can not easily be expressed within the work. The contence of my work is stern and spiritual, but the way I deal it and your approach should be light and relaxed! Have fun with new forms and inventions You see in this show!
Please click on the image of the invitation to get the backside!

Invitatiion Edgar Diehl, Solo-Show, Bunsen/Götz Gallery Nürnberg
Sept. 14. 2016, "SERENDIPITY" ,Edgar Diehls solo show at Pentimenti Gallery in Philadelphia USA

"SERENDIPITY" is my first solo show in USA. I am very happy to work with this marvellous gallery, which has a convicing programm of Abstract and Non Objective Art. The cooperation began with my participation in "TERRITORY OF ABSTRACTION" in 2015. The show will run till Oct. 22

"SERENDIPITY", Edgar Diehl at Pentimenti Gallery in Philadelphia USA
Sept. 3. 2016, "reliefreduktiv # 6", SNO-Sydney, Australia

This show was curated in 2012 to fill a 30 years gap on the topic of relief in the Non Objective Art in Europe. The first place I showed it was in my home association Künstlerverein Walkmühle in Wiesbaden, which is developing now to an important cutural center in the Rhein- Main area. The show was appreachiated by the scene of Non Objective Art, so that it went in the meanwhile to 4 other Kunstvereine with 21 participating artistsw from 7 countries. The last station of "reliefreduktive" is the place of Non Objective Art in Australia the famous SNO (Sydney Non Objective). A very nice catalog came out in surface edition, Darmstadt.

"reliefreduktiv # 6" SNO-Sydney curated by Edgar Diehl
July 13. 2016, "PAINT+OBJECT, at Annandale Galleries, Sydney, Australia

This show was curated by Andrew Leslie, head of SNO Sydney, for Annandale Galleries in Sydney, Austrlia. He combined 10 international artists who work on the sort of relief and object and color based space concepts.

EdgarDiehl, in "PAINT+OBJECT at Annadale Gallery, Sydney
June 28, 2016, "LAVENDER STRIKE", Conny Dietzschold Gallery. Sydney, Australia with Bent Hallard

Again Conny Dietzschold shows new works of mine. I am happy to show together with the L.A. based artist Brent Hallard, who is well established in the Non- Abjective- Art wolrd in the US.

Edgar Diehl at "LAVENDER STRIKE"  in Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney Australia
May 12, 2016, "PASTELL", Gallery Mariette Haas, Ingolstadt, Germany

Groupexhibition "PASTELL", Gallery Mariette Haas, Ingolstadt, Germany
Pastell is the German term for colors which are mixt with a fair amount of white. Gallery Haas has a strict nonobjective programm and is situated right in the historic center of the marvellous city of Ingolstadt, which has the biggest production of Audi cars.

Edgar Diehl at "PASTELL", Gallery Mariette Haas, Ingolstadt, Germany
February 12, 2016, nomination for 4th International André Evard Reward

My third nomination for 4th International André Evard Reward of Messmer Foundation, for Concrete and Constructive Art. Some cal it the oscar for Comrete and constructive art, because it is worldwide applied by artists
This time more than 750 artists applied. The show ends April 24.

My third nomination for 4th International André Evard Reward
January 8, 2016, solo show at the Kunstverein Erlangen!

Kunstverein Erlangen was foundet in 1904 and it has 500 Members even though the city has only 100.000 inhabitants. It is a part of the spread out Kunstvereins- system of support for contemporary art on a nonprofit base, a German tradition! Erlangen quaters Siemens AG as economic factor.

5/10, relief "ANAXAGORAS I" title of invitation 82x150x12cm, Acrylic/Alumniumtin
November 28. 2015 till January 30. 2016 "EINE SCHÖNE BESCHERUNG", chrismas accrocharge at galiery kautsch, Michelstadt

Galerie Kautsch, in Michelstadt near Darmstadt manages a radical nonobjective programm since many years. Therefore it is well known in the german artscene. This and the hospitality of the gallerist attracts a lot of lovers of nonobjective art from far distances too. Merry Chrismas!

 chrismas accrocharge at galiery kautsch, Michelstadt
October 21, 2015 opening groupexhibition "ZARTHEIT" Galerie Floss & Schulz, Köln

I am happy to take part in this show under the unique title "ZARTHEIT" together with marvellous artist at Galerie Floss & Schulz right in the middle of Cologne. The show ends Novmeber 22.

Galerie Floss & Schulz, Cologne, groupexhibition "Zartheit"
July 17, 2015, "reliefreduktiv 5", Bunsen Götz, Galierie, Nürnberg July 17, 2015, "reliefreduktiv 5", Bunsen Götz, Galierie, Nürnberg
April 23. 2015, 7.pm, "Es geht nicht um Gelb", Galerie Trampler, München, till June 18

I am looking forward to my next show together with the expert for ornament in Germany Thomas Weil, and the international reputated artist Ivo Ringe at Thomas Trampler Gallery, München

Edgar Diehl, "Es geht nicht um Gelb", Galerie Trampler, München
May 16, 2015, "reliefreduktiv 4", Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, till, July 5, 2015

Our exhibition on the relief in the nonobjetive art, which started at Künstlerverein Walkmühle, Wiesbaden in 2012, is heading on its Worldtour to its next venue. Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg works since 25 years in a big house of 5000 squft right in the center of the town attached to the Main river. The originally 15 artists are here accompanied by to artists from the US and one from France.

Saturday, May 16, 2015,  "reliefreduktiv 4", Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, ti
Feb.7. 2015, " HEAVY METAL POETRY" at Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney, Australia

I am honored to take part in this show together with eleven internationl artists in my Australian gallery. I am specially happy about the participation of Heiner Thiel from Wiesbaden, who took part in our "reliefreduktiv"-show at QuadrART Dornbirn, Austria. This show will also be seen at Sydney Non Objectives Art Association (SNO) in october 2015!
The show runs till march 21, 2015

Feb 21. 2015, "TERRITORY OF ABSTRACTION" Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia, USA, till April 4.2015

I am honoured to participate in this show of eleven american abstract artists at Pentimenti Gallery in Philadelphia, which is dedicated on reductive and abstract art. The show is curated by Christine Pfister, the owner of Pentimenti.

Exhibition "Territory of Abstraction" at Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia, USA
September 28, 2014, opening "DOOPLER SHIFT", Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, till Janunar 18, 2015

Die Ausstellung"DOPPLER", die 2012 von Mel Prest (San Francisco) mit 25 internationalen Künstlern für das "Parallel Art Space" in New York kuratiert wurde, geht jetzt in neuer Form, mit neuen Installationen und erweitertem Titel in das schöne Museum in New Jersey. Das amerikanische Kunstmagazin "The New Criterion" hat darüber eine Rezension publiziert: http://www.newcriterion.com/articles.cfm/Gallery-chronicle-8002

Ausstellung DOPPLER SHIFT im Visual Arts Center of new Jersey. USA
November 18, 2014, group show "PAINTING BLACK", Sylvia Wald & Po Kim Gallery, New York, USA, till December 13

This exhibition of paintings featuring the color black was curated by the German artist Ivo Ringe and the American artist, Joe Barnes and Po Kim, the Korean-American artist and co-founder of the Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Art Gallery. The exhibition includes artists from the United States and several European nations.

18th of November, 2014 "PAINTING BLACK", Sylvia Wals and Po Kim Gallery, New Yor
November 15, 2014, "reliefreduktiv 3" at QuadrART Dornbirn, Austria, till Feb.28, 2015

The exhibition "reliefreduktiv" which was curated for Künstlerverein Walkmühle e.V. in 2012 in Wiesbaden, Gemany is heading for its 3rd venue. The show fills a historical gap. Since 1981 there was no presentation on the subject on the continent. Because of my stress on unique artistic positions, the choise of artists was spread out in different countries.
"QuadrART Dornbirn" in Austria shows a selection of 6 artists out of the 15. Reception is Saturday, November 15. 5 pm, 6850 Dornbirn, Sebastainastr.9. An announcement in german You find at: http://www.bodensee4you.ch/…/1239-ansichten-xxi-reliefreduk…

"reliefreduktiv" at "QuadrART Dornbirn" in Austria,
September 21, 2014, opening "reliefreduktiv 2 " Kunstverein Speyer/Städtische Galerie Speyer, till Nov. 2

Die Ausstellung “reliefreduktiv”, die sich mit der Kunstgattung des Reliefs in der Ungegenständlichen Kunst befasst, habe ich 2012 für den Künstlerverein Walkmühle e. V. in Wiesbaden erarbeitet. Bei der Recherche hat sich herausgestellt, dass es seit 1981 keine Ausstellung mit Publikation zu diesem Thema gab. Die Präsentation schließt damit eine historische Lücke.
Ich habe fünfzehn internationale Künstler ausgesucht, die eigenständige Positionen auf dem Gebiet des reduktiven Reliefs entwickelt haben. Zwei Kunsthistoriker begleiten den Katalog, der im surface- Verlag Darmstadt zur Ausstellung 2012 in Wiesbaden erschienen ist. “reliefreduktiv” ist recht erfolgreich.

"reliefreduktiv1" 22.04.-17.06.2012 Künstlerverein Walkmühle Wiesbaden
"reliefreduktiv2" 21.09.-02.11.2014 Kunstverein - /Städtische Galerie Speyer
"reliefreduktiv3" 15.11.-28.02.2015 QuadrART Dornbirn, Österreich
"reliefreduktiv4" 17.05.-12.07.2015 Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg
"reliefreduktiv5" 17.07.-11.09.2015 Galerie Bunsen/ Götz, Nürnberg
"reliefreduktiv6" 03.09.-25.09.2016 SNO, Sydney, Australien

Sonntag 21.9.2014, 11 Uhr Eröffnung "reliefreduktiv 2 " Kunstverein Speyer
September 13, 2014, "Die Aufhebung der Zeit" Galerie Hühsam Offenbach mit Antonio Marra und Patrizio Porracchia

Zeit ist ein Phänomen das von der Wahrnehmung abhängt. Nicht nur jeder Raum und jedes Element, das sich im Raum bewegt, hat seine eigene Zeit, sondern auch jedes Kunstwerk. Die Zeit wird für den Betrachter in der Rezeption gedehnt oder gestaucht. Ähnlich verhält es sich mit dem Bildraum und dem Raum in dem das Werk präsentiert wird. Mit diesen Fragen, denen ich zusammen mit den beiden Kollegen Antonio Marra und Patrizio Porracchia nachgehe, befasst sich diese Ausstellung.

 Ausstellung Edgar Diehl "Die Aufhebung der Zeit" Galerie Hühsam in Offenbach S1
June 24, 2014, " 25 JAHRE CONNY DIETZSCHOLD GALLERY" in Köln, till July 12

Die zweite der vier Jubiläumsausstellungen zum 25-jährigen Bestehen der Galerie Conny Dietzschold findet in Köln statt.


Conny Dietzschold Gallery celebrates 25 years aniversary exhibitions in four locations. The serie starts in Hong Kong, shifts to Cologne, takes place in Melbourne Art Fair to end in Sydney.

June 29, 2014, groupshow " es geht nicht um gelb" Galerie Claudia Weil, Friedberg / Bayern, till August 31

Ausstellung " es geht nicht um gelb...Farbe,Form,Konstruktion" Galerie Claudia Weil, Friedberg / Bayern, mit Ivo Ringe und Thomas Weil

Ausstellung " es geht nicht um gelb" Galerie Claudia Weil, Friedberg / Bayern
November 3, 2013 opening "DER EWIGE RUF DER WÄLDER" Kunsttreppe, Frankfurt till Feb. 3, 2014

Die Kunstreppe im Hospital zum heiligen Geist in Frankfurt gehört zum historischen Teil der Klinik. Das großzügige Treppenhaus wird nur noch für die Kunst genutzt. Es werden vornehmlich Künstler gezeigt, die einen Bezug zu Frankfurt haben, oder am Städel studierten. Durch die Ankäufe hat sich eine sehenswerte Sammlung aufgebaut.
Frau Petra Roth wird zusammen mit Christian Janecke die Eröffnung machen.

Hospital zum heiligen Geist
Lange Straße 4-6
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Das Hospital ist an sieben Tagen der Woche geöffnet!

Einladung zur Ausstellung Edgar Diehl im Hospial zum heiligen Geist Frankfurt/M
July 13, 2013 group show "DOPPLER" at Parallel Art Space, New York, till August 18

An exhibition featuring works that visually question or crush the illusion of difference between 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional space

The exhibition title refers to the Doppler Effect, or the relativity of sound wave frequency in relation to an observer. Many of these works trigger a relational reaction, a synesthetic response or a wobbly eye. The chosen artists have created works that straddle an unmapped space where static objects move and shift, triggering simultaneous sensory readings. Originally developed to accompany STOP & GO 3_D, a stop-motion animation festival curated by Sarah Klein, Doppler Stop (the original iteration of the show) included 19 artists and traveled through Europe and Croatia in spring and summer 2012. DOPPLER features 22 artists living in the US and Europe

Ausstellung "DOPPLER",Parallel Art Apace, New York, 21. Künstler + Edgar Diehl
June 8, 2013, exhibition "SEX, MACHT + EIFERSUCHT" , Galerie Bunsen/ Götz, Nürnberg

Bunsen Goetz Galerie
Kressenstraße 11
90419 Nürnberg
Fon +49(0)911 307 26 101

Mi., Do. und Fr. 15 – 20 Uhr
Sa. 11 – 16 Uhr
sowie nach vorheriger Vereinbarung
Dauer der Ausstellung bis 13. Juli 2013

Die junge und vielversprechende, kürzlich von Erlangen nach Nürnberg, in sehr schöne Räume, umgezogene Galerie Bunsen/ Götz erweitert ihr Programm um eine Position der Konstruktiven Kunst. Nürnberg, die Geburts- und Wirkungsstätte des Renaissance- Malers Albrecht Dürer, der in seiner Zeit ein Erneuerer war, beherbergt einige Künstler, die heute auf der Höhe der Zeit arbeiten und damit die hohe Tradition fortsetzen. Ich freue mich darauf.

8. Juni bis 13. Juli 2013, "SEX, MACHT + EIFERSUCHT" , Galerie Bunsen/ Götz, Nür
May 17, 2013, "FARBERKUNDUNG 2", Institut für Konkrete Kunst & Konkrete Poesie, Archiv Eigen Gomringer, Rehau

Dauer der Ausstellung: 17.5.- 28.6. 2013

institut für konstruktive kunst und konkrete poesie archiv eugen gomringer
kunsthaus rehau
kirchgasse 4
d-95111 rehau

telefon: 09283-899485
telefax: 09283-899487
e-mail: info@kunsthaus-rehau.de
mittwoch - samstag, 14.00-18.00 uhr

Das Kunsthaus Rehau, ist einer der bedeutenden Orte der Konkreten Kunst im deutschsprachigen Raum. Prof. Eugen Gomringer, der als Begründer der Konkreten Poesie die Entwicklung der Konstruktiv- Konkreten Kunst im Nachkriegsdeutschland und in der Schweiz mitgeprägt hat, betreibt seit dem Jahr 2000 in Rehau in der Hochpfalz sein Institut, das, unter anderem, ausgesuchte Positionen der Bildenden Kunst zeigt.
In meinrm Blog gibt es einen ausführlichen Text.

Saturday, February 23, 2013, Opening Edgar Diehl and Peter Weber, Galerie Veronika Kautsch, Michelstadt

EDGAR DIEHL, painting PETER WEBER, Filzfaltung

Duration of the exhibition: 23 February - 6 April 2013
NEW ART ASSOCIATION Aschaffenburg e.V.

After the last two exhibitions was asked, sometime back in the area should see something from me. Michel town, with its medieval buildings, is located in the Odenwald, on the southeastern edge of the Rhine-Main area, and therefore still within "our Berlin"! The gallery Veronika couch confident with your wonderful spaces and their consequent program.
Those who want to follow the development of my artistic work are welcome!

Einladung der Galerie Veronika Kautasch, Ausstellung Edgar Diehl + Peter Weber
Thursday, March 5, 2013 opening "HEALING COLOURS AND INFINITY"- at Conny Dietzschold Gallery Sydney, Australia

Edgar Diehl’s relief paintings, sculptures or objects, depend on one’s perspective. The works are in the first instance closely related to
cubist painting, secondly to early constructivist art, thirdly to concrete painting and fourthly to Op Art.
The objects by Edgar Diehl make use of actual bends and folds in the image media: aluminium panels, mirrored on a vertical symmetrical
axis, are bent at numerous points, so they appear visually layers of surface segments variably distanced from the wall. These folds and
bends and gradations, mean that each surface shows a different angle to the wall.Therefore, the light breaks on them in different angles. Thus the relief consists of numerous surfaces and even thought the different
angles are painted with the same colour, they appear differently.

99 Crown Street, East Sydney, NSW 2010

 "HEALING COLOURS AND INFINITY"- exhibiton at Conny Dietzschold Gallery Sydney
Tuesday, December 4, 2013, Opening "MICRO Worlds", Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney, Australia

The recent exhibition at Conny Dietzschold Gallery 3. Dez - 19. Dez 2012 MICRO- Worlds shows works by: FARIDAH CAMERON • E D G A R  D I E H L • COLIN DUNCAN • SHAYLE FLESSER • LISA GIPTON VICKI GRACE • OTTMAR HOERL • POLLYXENIA JOANNOU • LISA JONES • EVELINE KOTAI LEE, HYUN-HEE • TOM LOVEDAY • MASLEN & MEHRA • HERBERT MEHLER • PARK, DAE-CHO PHOEBE RATHMELL • JOAN ROSS • LACHLAN WARNER The gallery will be closed from 20 December until 31 January 2012.

99 Crown Street, East Sydney, NSW 2010

Conny Dietzschold Gallery Sydney Streetview / Group Exhibition with Edgar Diehl
November 1, 2012, opening solo show at SNO , Sydney Australia

Das SNO (Sydney Non Objectivs), CONTEMPORARY ARTS PROJECTS, ist ein renommierter Kunstverein mit einem rein ungegenständlichen Programm. Er zählt zu den Orten der Konkreten Kunst weltweit und verfügt über hervorragende internationale Kontakte. So werden bei fast allen Ausstellungen Künstler aus verschiedenen Konstinenen gezeigt. Er organisiert in seinen Räumen stets drei Einzelausstellungen parallel.

Die Präsentation läuft bis zum 25.November 2012. Die Eröffnung, an der ich teilnahm, erfreute sich einer großen, interessierten Besucherzahl.


Ausstellungsplakat des SNO Sydney, Edgar Diehl SNO 88
October 4, 2012, Opening and catalog presentation "FARBerkundung im FARBraum", Darmstadt

Der Maler und Bildhauer Edgar Diehl, der 2010 für den Andre Èvard- Preis der Messmer Foundation nominiert wurde und im November im SNO in Sydney ausstellen wird, zeigt neue Arbeiten bei uns. Dabei präsentieren wir seinen neuen Katalog, den wir im März 2012 herausgebracht haben.

Vernissage und Katalogvorstellung: Donnerstag 4. Oktober 2012, 19.30 Uhr
Ausstellung: 5. Oktober – 31. Oktober 2012
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 15-19 Uhr, Sa 12-15 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

FARBRAUM art gallery
Sandbergstraße 8
64285 Darmstadt
Fon 06151 318635

Abbildung "ANAXAGORAS" Querformatrelief mit schmalen farbigen Horizontalstreifen
July 20, 2012, Exhibition "DIEHOCHZEITDESCHAMÄLEONS", Galerie Schuermer, Karlsruhe, Marienstraße 23


Dauer der Ausstellung: 20.7.-4.8. + 19.9.-29.9. 2012
5.8.-18.9. nur nach Vereinbarung
Samstag 22.9.15-19.00 Uhr Galerienerundgang
Freitag 28.9.ab 19.00 Uhr Finissage mit Edgar Diehl

Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 13.00-18.30 Uhr, Sa 10.30-14.30 Uhr + nach Vereinbarung

In der Galerie Schuermer stelle ich zum ersten Mal aus und zeige neue Arbeiten. Diesmal nicht nur Farbreliefs, aus den Jahren 2011 und 2012. Da die Galerie in ihrer Breite ein Schaufenster zur Marienstraße hat, gibt es keine Hemmschwelle und man kann die Ausstellung 24 Stunden täglich sehen, ohne die Räume zu betreten. Trotzdem bitte einzutreten, denn Reliefs sollten 180° umrundet werden, um sie wirklich zu sehen.

alsAbbildung des Gemäldes "DIEHOCHZEITDESCHAMÄLEONS"  Frontseite der Einladung
3.7. 2012, Kurzfilm der Ausstellung "reliefreduktiv" im Künstlerverein Walkmühle in Wiesbaden, Musik Fredi Alberti

Für alle die, die Ausstellung "reliefreduktiv" nicht haben sehen können, haben wir einen kurzen Rundgang durch die Ausstellung filmisch skizziert, der die Exponate der fünfzehn internationalen Künstler und unsere schönen Ausstellungsräume in der Walkmühle zeigt.

Kurfilm der Ausstellung "reliefeduktiv" im Künstlerverein Walkmühle
Sunday April 22. 2012 "reliefreduktiv", groupshow with 15 internationa artist at Künstlerverein Walkmühle, Wiesbaden

Dauer der Ausstellung bis Sonntag den 17.6. 2012
Öffnungszeiten: Mi+Fr 17-20; Sa 14-19, So 11-19 Uhr

Seit 30 Jahren hat es im deutschsprachigen Raum keine größere Ausstellung zum Thema Relief in der Nichtgegenständlichen Kunst gegeben. Der Künstlerverein Walkmühle, Wiesbaden schließt diese Lücke mit den ausgesuchten Positionen von 15 internationalen Künstlern. Die Präsentation wird von einem 80-seitigen Katalog mit wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen von Matthias Bleyl und Christian Janecke begleitet, der im SURFACE-Verlag Darmstadt erschienen ist. Er kann von www.walkmuehle.net heruntergeladen werden!

Ich habe diese Ausstelung erarbeitet!
Beteiligte Künstler: Dieter Balzer,Edgar Diehl,Iemke van Dijk,Ulrich Diekmann,Gerhard Frömel,Hans-Jörg Glattfelder,Andreas Kocks,Vesna Kovacic,Andrew Leslie,Arnulf Letto,Michael Reiter,Gert Riel,Jens Trimpin,Jan Maarten Voskuil,Stephan Wurmer

Mittwoch 9. Mai , 18.00 Uhr
Samstag 12. Mai , 15.00 Uhr
Mittwoch 23. Mai , 18.00 Uhr
Freitag 8. Juni, 18.00 Uhr

Relief von Andreas Kocks, schwarze Papierformen frei auf die Wand apliziert
Donnerstag 22.März, 2012, 19.00 UHR

Am Donnerstag, 22.3.2012,19.00 Uhr wird in der Galerie dr. julius I ap,
10829 Berlin, Leberstraße 60 meine aktuelle Ausstellung eröffnet.

Zwei Tage danach, am Samstag 24.3. gibt es dort mein Künstlergespräch, das um 15.00 Uhr beginnt.

Zur Ausstellung erscheint der Katalog
Mit einem Beitrag Johannes Meinhardt
Surface Book, Darmstadt, ISBN
edition ROTE INSEL #00088

dr. julius | ap
Leberstraße 60
D–10829 Berlin

S-Bahn Julius-Leber-Brücke + Südkreuz · Bus 106 + 204
T 030 24374349 · www.dr-julius.de · info@dr-julius.de

 Farbiges Streifenmuster, aus einem Kunstwerk,mit Titel  "FARBERKUNDUNG"
27. Februar bis 17. März, 2012

26. Januar bis 17. März, 2012

Ausstellung "FUTURESHOCK ONETWO" mit Beiträgen von 32 Künstlern aus 3 Kontinenten zu einem Zukunftsthema der Neuen Konkreten Kunst in der

Galerie dr. julius, ap
Leberstraße 60, 10829, Berlin
www.dr-juius.de, 030-24374349

Katalogvorstellung Sonntag 26. März 15 Uhr

25. November, 20.00 Uhr

Einladung zur Ausstellung "Erdbeeren mit Pfeffer" im Frankfurter Kunstblock mit vier Kollegen, u.a. Michaele Reiter und Uli Dieckmann.

Frankfurter Kunstblock
BellaVista Film im Artemis Haus
Hanauer landstraße 139 (Hof)
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Einladung zur Ausstellung "Erdbeeren mit Pfeffer" im Frankfurter Kunstblock mit
18. September 17:00 - 19:00

IS projects Leiden

Juni 2011

Edgar Diehl
"Farbzeiten" 2. Auflage

296 Seiten
55 farbige Abbildungen
37,50 Euro
ISBN 3-927369-13-6
Library of Healing Arts
Band 3

"Farbzeiten" 2. Auflage
11. - 15. Mai 2011

art amsterdam

art amsterdam 2011
26. Februar - 26. Juni 2011

kunsthalle messmer, RIEGEL AM KAISERSTUHL
Kunst in Bewegung

KINETIK Kunst in Bewegung
3. Oktober - 12. Dezember 2010

grenzgänger der konkreten kunst

Dieter Balzer | Wolfgang Berndt | Edgar Diehl | Hans Michael Franke | Ulrich Diekmann | Ingrid Hornef | Gerhard Hotter

GALERIE KUNSTFORUM | 63500 Seligenstadt | Frankfurter Str. 13 | KUNSTFORUM SELIGENSTADT e.V.

grenzgänger der konkreten kunst
28. Mai 2010 - 28. Juni 2010

”K5” & Künstlerfreunde
”Zusammen —auf gerader Linie”

Gander, Graf, Lind, Hutter, +
Blume, Diehl, Klein-Kranenbarg, Will

Städtische Galerie Speyer, ”Kulturhof Flachsgasse”

”K5” & Künstlerfreunde ”Zusammen —auf gerader Linie”
07. Mai 2010, 19:00 Uhr

Bekanntgabe der 5 von den Juroren nominierten Künstler der "TOP 80"

Messmer Endrunde
25. Februar - 10. April 2010

Edgar Diehl | Überraschung und Widerspruch
dr. julius | ap
Leberstraße 60
D–10829 Berlin

Edgar Diehl | Überraschung und Widerspruch
23. AUGUST – 04. OKTOBER 2009

figürlich, abstrakt, konkret
grenzgänger der konkreten kunst



grenzgänger der konkreten kunst
17. MAI 2009 – 30. APRIL 2010

Ein Jahr
31 Positionen
30 Räume
Stiftung Museum
Modern Art Hünfeld
Sammlung Jürgen Blum
Hersfelder Straße 25

Ein Jahr 31 Positionen 30 Räume
2. MÄRZ - 12. APRIL 2008

Edgar Diehl
veronica kautsch
64720 michelstadt mauerstr. 9-11
fon 0 60 61-123 61 fax -123 58
www. g a l e r i e - k a u t s c h . d e

Edgar Diehl in Galerie Kautsch
11. Januar bis 4. Februar 2007

Wiesbaden – Siegburg
11. Januar bis 4. Februar 2007
Bellevue-Saal, Wilhelmstraße 32, 65183 Wiesbaden

2005, Drachenverlag

Edgar Diehl

296 Seiten
55 farbige Abbildungen
29,80 Euro
ISBN 3-927369-13-6
Library of Healing Arts
Band 3

Edgar Diehl, Farbzeiten